Water And Waste Program-Did You Know

Did You Know ???

Water and Wastewater Program –
(613-933-4924 Office / 518-404-2252 Pager)

 Did you know MCA has 9 members who are Provincially Licensed in Water
Treatment, or Wastewater Treatment, OR BOTH?

Water and wastewater program technicians maintain Ontario Certifications (Class 1, Class 2
Class 3 or Operator in Training)

 Did you know that MCA has 2 large, water treatment plants?

There is one in Kanatakon that services TsiSnaihne and Kanatakon, and one for the residents of

 Did you know that MCA has a large wastewater treatment plant?

It services the District of Kanatakon residents. Along with the large plant there are 5 smaller
wastewater treatment facilities spread out all over Akwesasne.

 Did you know that MCA has approximately 41 km of waterline and 16km of wastewater
line in all 3 districts?

MCA has Ontario Certified crossed trained technicians in water and wastewater.

 Did you know that MCA tests the water every day to make sure the community is
receiving safe water?
The water program technicians check the water for harmful bacteria, on a weekly basis, at
points all over the districts.

 Did you know that there are over 400 fire hydrants in the Districts of Kawehnoke, Kanatakon,
and Tsi Snaihne?

The water program technicians are fully trained on the operations and maintenance of these fire

 Did you know that the MCA water and wastewater technicians will come to your property and show
you where your water or sewer service lines are if you need to do excavation on your property?

Please call before you dig.

 Did you know that the MCA water and wastewater technicians will come to your property and shut
your water service off if you need to repair your plumbing inside your house?

 Did you know that the MCA Water and Wastewater Programs are not responsible to maintain/repair
any services which are located on private property?