We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween! Nia:wenkowa to our staff at Mohawk Council and the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education who are transporting students around the community to trick or treat! From helping them into their costumes to (literally) carrying them from building to building, driving their bus or pushing strollers, our staff are superheroes at their jobs every day! The children appreciate your efforts and will have memories for a lifetime.
The elders at Iakhihsohtha were given a festive celebration as staff hosted the neighboring school and daycare for trick or treating. Outside a trunk or treat event was held, and indoors the residents handed out candy to the busloads of students coming through. Great job Iakhihsohtha!
On Kawehno:ke community member Perry Francis drove the child care children around in a hay wagon to trick or treat. What a great community effort!
NIa:wen also to our staff for participating in Halloween festivities by bringing in candy to hand out or by dressing up! Special shout out to the Finance Office for working together to create a very spooky haunted hallway!
Don’t forget – MCA offices in Kana:takon will close at 3:30 p.m. today to allow the village to clear out before festivities begin tonight.