The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to thank the community for their interest in the Kaienthóhsera – Akwesasne Garden Initiative! We received an overwhelming response and are looking forward to moving ahead with this project.

Due to the response, MCA has decided to expand the initiative to provide more Akwesasronon, who previously filled out the survey, with garden beds! The first 200 recipients have been contacted and our employees are working hard to finalize and contact community members for our “second wave” of recipients.

At this time, we ask for and appreciate your patience as our dedicated team works to deliver the garden kits to households across Akwesasne.

If you have any questions, please email garden@akwesasne.ca or call 613-936-1583 (ext. 1).

For more information, please visit the Kaienthóhsera – Akwesasne Garden Initiative Facebook page or our website at: http://www.akwesasne.ca/tehotiienawakon/environment/kaienthohsera/