The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne continues to provide COVID-19 testing to community members. If you are seeking information on testing or in regard to COVID-19, please call the Community Health Program at (613) 575-2341 ext. 3220 and ask to speak to a nurse.
Community Health has received a total of 1950 COVID-19 related phone calls and has administered a total of 465 tests. Due to the volume of calls, you may be asked to leave your number for one of the nurses to return your call. There may be a wait time for a return call when call volume is high. Your patience is appreciated as your call is very important to our staff.
When the nurse returns your call, they will assist with any questions that people may have or will provide an assessment. At times the assessment process can take up to half an hour.
If testing is indicated or requested, the staff will assist with scheduling or referring to the appropriate location; this may be due to the availability of the next appointment, or convenience for community members. As every situation is unique and every community member is unique, the process may be different with every call.
When results come into the Community Health Program, the community member will be phoned directly and followed up with as needed. Results may take up to 3 days excluding the weekends and holidays.
Privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance. Your information will not be shared with anyone without prior consent. Due to the small size of MCA’s jurisdiction, positive cases will not be reported by MCA’s health services specifically. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit reports numbers for a broad region that includes Akwesasne in order to protect privacy.