The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health is diligently monitoring this situation in Akwesasne and surrounding areas, proactively taking steps to prepare our community. Due to the unexpected implementation of the travel advisories, followed by the declared state of emergency, a number of MCA Department of Health staff were directed to self-isolate as a precaution and to protect the community members who they serve. This decision directing staff to self-isolate impacted MCA Department of Health operations, and resulted in scaling back to essential services and maintaining direct contact with clientele who depend on specialty services.
The MCA Department of Health is taking necessary precautions to safeguard the community by ensuring our staff are healthy before they resume their operations.
MCA Department of Health determines health guidelines are based on public health recommendations coming from partnering agencies like Eastern Ontario Health Unit, with daily monitoring and assessment of new information. Regular updates from the MCA Department of Health will be released, keeping the community up to date as these guidelines are revised.
Current public health recommendations on what you can do to help the community at this time:
• Continue practicing social distancing – maintain a distance of at least 6-feet from other persons both in public and in private.
• Continue practicing good hygiene – continue washing your hands, avoid touching your face, use tissue to cover your nose and mouth if you sneeze or cough.
• If you have been sent home by your employer to self-isolate, stay home for 14-days and self-monitor for symptoms.
• If someone is not a member of your household or a direct care support person, they should not be visiting your home at this time.
• Avoid any and all activities that encourage large gatherings of 50 people or more within the community, both in public or in private dwellings.
• If you need emergency services, honestly report your travel history when speaking with emergency medical technicians, 9-1-1, and MCA dispatchers – the Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance Unit and other first responders will respond to emergency calls even if a person is at risk for COVID-19.
Attached to this community notice is a summary of the MCA Department of Health’s operational programs/services and contact numbers.