The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program reports two (2) new positive cases of COVID-19 in the northern portion of the community, as of September 15, 2021.
Current COVID-19 Statistics for the Northern Portion of Akwesasne:
New Positive Cases: 2
Current Active: 11
Total Cases: 383
There have been no further COVID-19 related fatalities
The MCA Department of Health (DOH) would like to remind the community that we need your assistance to slow/stop the spread of COVID-19 by strictly adhering to the public health measures that have been put in place. Please no social gatherings (stay within your own household), and wear a mask when around others. Wash and sanitize hands frequently and maintain six feet of distance from anyone outside your household.
Community Health is announcing the following vaccine clinics (by appointment only):
- September 29, 2021: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Moderna) @ Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io Health Facility
- October 13, 2021: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Pfizer) @ Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io Health Facility
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms below within the last 72 hours without a known cause, please stay home, do not go to work or visit others:
- Fever >37.8 C or 100.04 F
- New onset of cough
- Worsening chronic cough
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing
- Sore throat
- Difficulty swallowing
- Decrease or loss of sense of taste or smell
- Chills
- Headaches
- Unexplained fatigue/malaise/muscle aches (myalgias)
- Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
- Runny nose/nasal congestion without a known cause
If you have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting your results, please remain in isolation until you have been advised otherwise by a healthcare professional.
If you need to be tested for COVID-19, please make an appointment with MCA’s Community Health Program by calling 613-575-2341 ext. 3220. Community members can also access free testing through the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe. Check their website,, for testing dates.
For more information on COVID-19, please visit the MCA website at