The Chief Electoral Officer Leona Benedict has released the following OFFICIAL list of nominees for the Kawehno:ke District By-Election. Nominations took place on Saturday, August 19, 2023.


The official nominees for the Kawehno:ke By-Election are as follows:


Rosemary Square

Lloyd Benedict

Lacey Pierce

Thomas Francis

DJ White

Melissa/Iakowi:he’ne’ Oakes

Vince Thompson


A by-election for one (1) District Chief will be held in Kawehno:ke on Saturday, September 2, 2023 at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School (AMS) on Kawehno:ke from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Eligibility of Voters:

A person who at the time of voting must;

  1. a) have attained eighteen years of age;
  2. b) be a resident in the district where they are voting;
  3. c) be a registered member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne;
  4. d) be an Onkwehonwe.


Voters Lists have been posted at Bank of Montreal (BMO) and Express Gas.


If your name is not on the list, please contact Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Leona Benedict at 613-575-2250 ext. 2406 or 613-551-1622. Community members can also visit the Justice office at the Angus Mitchell Memorial Building to pick up an application for the Voters List.