The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is reminding the community and visitors to be considerate of safety practices when parking on the streets in Kana:takon.  


Residents have expressed concerns regarding unsafe parking, which creates difficulties when navigating the streets. Parking on the street near intersections should be avoided, as it creates a hazardous sight obstruction, obstructs walkways for children and adults walking in the district,  and could create an unnecessary accident. Additionally, when cars are parked unsafely, it creates obstacles for Emergency Vehicles to maneuver through the roads. We understand that parking is limited in Kana:takon, but we must ensure that everyone can safely drive in the district. Community members are welcome to utilize Mohawk Council of Akwesasne parking lots, pending availability, after-hours and on weekends.


Please consider these safety tips when parking on roadways in Kana:takon: 

  • Do not park on a curve, hill or anywhere you do not have a clear view in both directions. 
  • Do not park where you will block a sidewalk, crossing, or driveway. 
  • Do not park near an intersection, which can create sign obstructions for oncoming traffic. 
  • Ensure that your vehicle is pulled over in shoulder as far as possible to allow oncoming traffic to move through.  
  • Be considerate of the speed zones and whenever you are approaching a vehicle parked on the road, please slow down! 
  • Do not park within three metres (10 feet) of a fire hydrant.  
  • After parking, always turn off the ignition and lights, and remove the keys. Do not leave children or animals in vehicles.  
  • Before moving from a parked position, always signal and check for oncoming traffic, pulling out only when it is safe to do so.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Mohawk Government offices at 613-575-2348.