Over the course of the next few months, the MCA will be engaging the community in a discussion around the possibility of expanding Natural Gas Distribution to Cornwall Island.  In addition to printed material that will be developed and circulated, as well as information in local media, please look out of the following:

  • Information sessions on Natural Gas and the project hosted by the MCA
  • Information sessions on Enbridge and the project hosted by Enbridge
  • A drop-in centre on Cornwall Island where more information can be obtained and questions can be answered

All of this will lead up to a door to door survey of all residents and businesses on Cornwall Island to determine level of support for the project and interest in converting.


The project as proposed involves connecting to the existing Natural Gas line that crosses Cornwall Island and installing approximately 21 km of new Natural Gas line running east-west along Island Road with branches to existing side roads in order to provide access to all residents and businesses on Cornwall Island.  The total cost of the project is approximately $8.4 million.


The underlying goal of the proposed project is to address the high energy costs on Cornwall Island, as Natural Gas could potentially save residents and businesses up to 50% on their annual heating and hot water costs.


For example, based on average prices,

  • a typical household that uses Fuel Oil for heating and hot water could save approximately 50% annually by switching to Natural Gas
  • a typical household that uses Electricity for heating and hot water could save approximately 36% annually by switching to Natural Gas
  • a typical household that uses Propane for heating and hot water could save approximately 30% annually by switching to Natural Gas
  • If three quarters of the residents and businesses were to switch, the total savings would be on the order of $350,000 per year for Cornwall Island.
  • In addition, when burned, Natural Gas produces 20% less greenhouse gas emissions than propane and 25% less than Fuel Oil.


For more information, please contact the Mohawk Government Office at 613-575-2348.