Gowling WLG, the class counsel for the Federal Indian Day School Class Action, has been providing updates to the former students of the Indian Day Schools regarding the status of the claim process due to the pandemic crisis. Since March 12, 2020, they have suspended all their scheduled community assistance sessions until further notice.
Anyone who has questions about the process or legal questions are encouraged to call the helpline at 1-888-221-2898. The call center is only taking messages at this time, but someone will get back to you. Lawyers from Gowling WLG are still available by phone to answer any legal questions you may have and can assist you.
Deloitte, the claims administrator for the class action, is still processing claims as usual that are submitted. But due to the precautions taken by Canada Post and employees at Deloitte, claim forms that are sent in through the mail may take longer to process through. They ask that anyone filing a claim to please send them in through email at indiandayschools@deloitte.ca or faxed to 416-366-1102 to ensure that the form is received and processed.
The claim form is available online at indiandayschools.com under “Claim Form”. Physical copies are currently unavailable at this time.
The Hope for Wellness hotline is still operational and able to help anyone who is in distress due to trigging memories or anxiety around the pandemic. They can be reached at 1-855-242-3310 or online at www.hopeforwellness.ca. Counselling is available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut, on request.