The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne reviewed the Akwesasne Emergency Curfew Law on September 14, 2020 and voted to remove the curfew altogether. The 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew is no longer in effect.
Despite changes to community laws and recommendations, Council is urging the community to continue being mindful of increasing numbers of COVID-19 in Ontario. Continue practicing safety and prevention methods diligently to prevent the disease from spreading and causing devastation in our territory. We cannot afford to let our guards down.
It is vital for each of us to protect ourselves, our families and our community by limiting our exposure to others and reducing our instances of potential contact with the contagious disease. Being diligent in maintaining six feet of distance from others, wearing a mask in public or crowded areas, and washing hands frequently will help to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Social gatherings should be limited and we urge the community to be mindful of COVID-19 when choosing to attend a social gathering. Social distancing should still be a priority at gatherings of any kind as this can reduce your chance of contracting COVID-19. Many people who are carrying and spreading the disease are unaware they are infected. Young adults are contracting the disease at higher rates than before, and social gatherings could be the cause.
Travel outside the community should be limited and we rely on our community members to be careful and selective when deciding to leave the territory for a non-essential purpose. Be selective and responsible, and don’t be afraid to decline invitations you feel will put you at risk of exposure to COVID-19.
We wish to thank the community for their mindfulness and respect for prevention recommendations that have had an impact thus far on keeping our community safe. Niawenhkó:wa. Let the strength and resilience of our ancestors continue to guide us through the pandemic. We are all in this together.

To learn more about the travel radius expansion, please visit