Congratulations to Mohawk Council of Akwesasne employee Peggy Pyke-Thompson on her retirement as Environment Program Manager!
Peggy, turtle clan, is married to Roger Thompson and together they have raised a beautiful family with four children, six grandchildren and one great grandchild. She began working within the organization on December 13, 2004 and for almost 16 years, has been an attribute to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Environment Program.
Peggy was the MCA’s first Environmental Assessment Officer and has had many accolades while working within the organization. She was a member of the Haudenosaunee Task Force on the Environment since 1996 and was a former president of the board. She would work with traditional healers to help them find non-contaminated medicines to pick throughout Akwesasne and the neighboring communities. She has researched and presented on the Emerald Ash Border and the impacts on culture and language. Peggy also received the Native American Women’s Recognition award and an award for working on the Port of Johnstown with her contribution to their habitat restoration. She also received the Teacher of the Year Award from Iohahi:io where she taught courses for St. Lawrence College.
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne hopes that Peggy enjoys her retirement with family and friends. You have done so much for the organization, and have done your part in protecting and preserving the environment for the community of Akwesasne. We are confident that your staff will continue your handwork and dedication for the betterment of Akwesasne.
Tobi Mitchell, Tsi Snaihne District Chief and a member of the Environment Portfolio said, “Niawenhko:wa for your hard work in the various positions you have held within the organization. You have contributed so much to the organization and the community of Akwesasne with your knowledge and work for the environment.”
Peggy noted, “Thank you to all my co-workers and other work colleagues and partners for all of our interactions and work opportunities that we have shared.”